
As a ministry, we typically never ask for donations or free will offerings. We depend on JEHOVAH to provide for his church. However, people approach us very often asking how can they give or donate or supply resources to our missionary church and street ministry. This is one way to accomplish people’s desire. (GEC is NOT a 501c3 non-profit organization, we pay our taxes like you.)

—Preacher John.

Street Preacher. Founding Pastor. GEC.

Donate Here: Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.


As a growing Christian ministry, we are generally always looking for assistance, and willing and obedient servants of God to help in ministry related areas of our missionary church and our street ministry. If you may be interested in lending a hand or even becoming apart of what the Lord Jesus Christ is building here at Boulder and Colorado, that is in any place in the state of Colorado, then this website link may help.

—Preacher John.

Street Preacher. Founding Pastor. GEC.

Volunteer Here: Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.